Saturday, 27 October 2012

Mega Millions Winning Numbers Strategy

The Mega Millions winning numbers are drawn every Tuesday and Friday, you do need a good strategy if you are going to win. Have you ever checked into the large group of Mega Million winners, winning analysis shows and tells you about 25% won the lotto mega by just dumb luck, and the other 75% used a lottery strategy of some type to improve their odds to win. Using a lottery system or strategy, is most definitely the smarter way to play than playing random numbers, as it will put you ahead of so many lottery players right off the start. We have seen New York Mega Million winners, Georgia Mega Millions winners, Florida Lotto Mega Million winners, Pa Mega Millions winners, Texas Mega Millions winners, Ohio Mega Millions winners, Virginia Mega Million winners California Lottery Mega Million winners etc and all won due to using a good proven lottery system and that’s a solid fact!
There are many lottery systems you could try, but many are totally useless and you will just waste your efforts and your money. The smarter way to play is with systems that have already been proven to win the Mega Million lottery and the best over-all system with the highest winning track record is a wheeling system called Smart Play Lotto Wheels. Smart Play is now well know to give excellent results for winning Lotto Mega and Powerball lottery games. Many are reporting hitting 3 lotto numbers, 4 lotto numbers, even 5 lotto numbers winning combinations due to this superior lottery wheeling system. It is very highly recommended you stop using random lottery numbers and switch over to a real lottery strategy for real winning results, it's definitely a No Brainer!  
Remember, you most certainly cannot be a Mega Millions Winner and have Mega Millions Results if you do not play! Playing is essential to winning the Mega Millions and using a well proven winning lottery strategy is really the big key to real winning success!

Thursday, 25 October 2012

How To Win Washington Lottery

How do you become successful at winning the Washington lottery, when you have tried all lottery strategies and failed ? Are there any secrets that can be applied to win the lottery? Is there a proven strategy or lottery tactic to improve my odds to win without spending a fortune? All serious lottery players will ask themselves these important questions. Playing the lottery without a proven mathematical or scientific tactic will just come down to sheer luck. Millions of Washington lottery players have been doing their same routine for years without any lottery results, they just do not know the right strategy to use. All they know is pick random numbers or Birth dates etc and these sorry to say are useless. Week after week and year after year they don’t win much more than a free ticket. You need a different plan of action if you want to win the lotto. 
Treat the lottery game like an investment you want. Just like you would do some homework on a stock looking to purchase, do your homework on the lottery game you are playing. Odds to win the lottery jackpot are very tough, but can be very much improved by applying a tested and proven lottery system. These systems, found on the Internet today are for the most part junk, you would need to test every system to finally find a real good one, this is where I can help you!
Playing the Washington Lottery, Powerball, Mega Millions or any other lottery in the world with a lotto system is the smart thing to do, this is why most serious lottery players use them. There are quite a few systems to choose from on the market today, but to save you some time and money I will spoil the ending for you right now. You’re going to want to use the Lotto Guy Lottery System. This system won best lottery system out of 15 so-called best lottery systems by poll vote and that my good friends is solid proof of a good system. This system has been proven to improve your odds to win Washington Lottery and any other pick 5 or pick 6 number lottery game by a realistic 30%. Every time you purchase a line of numbers using the system’s step by step guidelines, you are automatically increasing your odds to hit winning number combinations over and over. The system utilizes years of data from lotteries all over the world to provide the optimal settings for picking your winning numbers. This lotto system works on mathematical and scientific strategies that have been thoroughly tested and proven in actual use!
Most other lotto systems will charge you up to $100 for a system that has been proven virtually useless such as with the case of a system called the Lotto Black book, big guarantees, but No Lottery Results! Systems such as Lottery Circle, Formula 1 Lotto, Lotto Cash Machine, Lotto Variant, Mark Bower Lottery System and Silver Lotto System have all been well-tested and proven as very poor lottery systems only surviving on their false advertisement.
It is time to move on to a legit proven system and then and only than, will you will see your win rates Explode! And you also be a lottery winner. 


Lottery Prediction Strategies That Win The Lottery

You routinely pick your lotto numbers hoping to win the lottery each lotto draw. You check the winning lottery number results on lottery websites as Lottery Canada or other official lottery websites to see if you are a lucky lottery winner this time. No, No luck again! you cannot seem to hit any lottery wins, what are you doing wrong? To start off, you need to use a tested and proven method or what we call a lottery system to pick your lottery numbers. The most common types of lottery systems are wheeling systems and past drawn number analysis systems, also called lottery software prediction systems. Both of these types of systems have been around for many years and really do not work well at all to win any lottery games, they fail to do as advertised.

  Lottery systems that are very highly advertised and claim a huge win rate are very popular lotto systems, unfortunately they do not work very good at all! They are mostly hyped up proven virtually useless systems some copied and re-sold over and over again under different names. You need to use a totally different types of lotto system if you want to really win the lottery. you may have heard about a system called Lotto Guy Lottery System as it won a lottery system poll vote for best lottery system out of 15 top systems, this information is like gold to the serious lottery player. This unique lottery system was not developed by a so-called lotto guru or a phony professor/mathematician, No, it was developed by real University Techs using high Tech Computer Systems, Analysis and Software to obtain a super in-depth analysis that can predict future hits or winning numbers by using a unique 3 step method (number pattern analysis). I can tell you first hand this is a very serious lottery system, it puts your numbers into much better winning groups and many people who use it have become lottery winners, and that is a solid fact! 

This lotto guy lottery system is a serious breakthrough in lottery systems and is not sold by any shady marketer. Actually it is not heavily advertised at all, and not expensive like all the so-called other great lottery systems. No affiliates can sell the lotto guy system either, so you do not get a bunch of lies, or hype trying to suck you in as most other lottery systems do. A lot of work went into the development of this top rated lotto system and it should be high on your list to use as it really does increase your odds to win big lottery games as Florida Lottery, Powerball, California Lottery, UK Lotto, Lotto 649, OZ Lotto, Mega Million, Ohio Lottery, Oklahoma Lottery, Atlantic Lottery, BC Lottery and many others.
Check out this top lottery system review site it can help you choose a lotto system that's right for you Lottery Systems Reviews.

Here are a few more great reviews you should read:

Lotto Guy Lottery System Is No Joke 

Lotto Guy Lottery System Formula Works 

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Winning Lotto Secrets Revealed!

How to win the lottery, that's number one question when it comes to playing the lottery. How many lottery players worldwide play the lottery? Look at the United States, with a huge population of about 308 million people and almost all play some type of gambling or lottery game. A recent survey revealed that when the lottery jackpots for lottery games are very high, as many as 85%-90% of the population purchase a lottery ticket or two. That’s about 260 million people who actually play the lotto and of course have a chance to be the nest lottery winners! This is a tremendous amount people playing the lottery against you, so you need to apply a lotto strategy or lottery method to obtain an advantage over the majority of lottery players.
Fortunately for you, most people who play the lottery really have no idea how to select a lottery ticket or lottery numbers. They do not use a logical system, they just pick lottery numbers according to dates, birth dates, ages plus more ways you simply would not believe. Their sheer mass gives them a big competitive edge over you, someone is going to win no matter what, it should be you. This is why it’s very important to use a successful proven lottery system to get a solid advantage, so you may the next lottery winner.
Listen up! If you really want to get ahead of the competition playing any lottery game, you must use a system, but how do you go about choosing the best system? The correct way is very simple, you use ONLY a tested and proven system. A good lottery system should be able to keep producing multiple wins consistently within as little as 4-10 weeks. Wheeling systems have a big advantage over most systems as they are designed for multiple wins.  A very successful lottery wheeling system such as Smart Play Lotto Wheels can give even the first time lottery player good to very good lottery results and is a very highly recommended system to use by lottery experts. You must however be very careful when picking a lottery system to use, as many sellers will use false advertising to lure you in, just grab your cash and you get a useless system.
 Lottery software type systems. The only advantage of using these types of systems is they offer you faster information. You can always get the same information for free at your lottery statistic game main website and save your money. If you do it yourself it will only takes a few minutes so no big deal. Lottery software systems only give you past drawn lottery numbers or  frequently drawn numbers, and the less frequently drawn numbers, also called lottery analysis. This type of systems do NOT increase your odds to win lotto very much, only about 1-2%. I have seen many of these lotto software prediction systems claiming their systems will give you a 92% or 96% or even a 98% win rate. Do not believe this, it is totally false, NO reputable lottery system in the world can do this, and the absolute highest win rate for the best systems is around 20%-30% tops, so do not be fooled! 

How To Pick Winning Powerball Numbers

Powerball is definitely America’s most played lottery game, high popularity is due to the fact that the Powerball jackpots are very high. Winning the Powerball jackpot would certainly make your lottery life dreams a reality. Powerball lottery has a very large number of gaming enthusiasts that keep the Powerball cash prizes very high and lottery player from 42 U.S states are lured in to play with the intention of winning some lottery cash prizes.
Picking the winning Powerball numbers can be a very frustrating experience and using special winning strategies is highly recommended. There simply is no feeling that can match cashing in a winning lottery ticket that only cost one dollar for a multimillion dollar payday. Some say that playing the Powerball Lottery is very unpredictable and that no specific strategy can be applied to increase your chances to win, well just hold on a minute, then how do you explain all the Powerball winners who have used proven lottery systems such as the Lotto Guy Lottery System, that many winners claimed to have use to obtain their winning lottery numbers? I do agree that most strategies will not help much, but when I see real proof of winning tickets and the story is they used a lottery system called Lotto Guy Lottery System then the proof is real and that specific strategy should be applied to lower the odds against you. These lottery winners come from all states as Georgia, Indiana, Florida, Kentucky, Montana, Ohio, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Texas, Iowa, Michigan, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York and so on.
 Many novice Powerball players actually think winning lottery numbers based upon sequences such as 01, 11, 21, 31, 41, 49 or 2, 4, 6, 8, 10,12 or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, are a good way to play, they use these types of lottery number patterns and of course never win! It is highly recommended not to follow this type of strategy as well as using randon numbers or just hot lottery numbers. Use a strategy as in a proven lottery system, it will seriously increase your odds to win more frequently and consistently or you will not get the desired lottery results. This is how smart lottery winners play and is the best strategy to help you win the Powerball lottery and become a Powerball Winner!

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Mega Million California Lottery Winning Strategy

Imagine having the secret key for securing Mega Million California Lottery winning number combinations with better accuracy. How about doing this in a easy effective to use strategy, interested? I have some great news for you, there is a new lottery wheeling system called Smart Play Lotto Wheels and is gaining a great reputation for giving lottery winning results for lotto games as Mega Million and Powerball. Players are reporting amazing results with this wheeling system.

Many are reporting the system gives great results for Mega Million California Lottery by easily hitting 3 lotto numbers very easily, 4 lotto numbers easily, even hitting 5 lottery numbers which is a good lottery mega cash prize.

With the Smart Play wheeling system YOU can decide whether you want to take it to the Max and play all out with their big Max Play Lottery Wheels or just play a smaller amount of lines or lottery tickets with their Budget or Conservative wheels. You are in total control. Smart Play supplies the verified tested and proven wheels, that have all won large lotto games worldwide, add a touch of luck and you can be one of the lucky Mega Million lottery winners who use this excellent wheeling system. 
  • No complex hard to understand lottery system.
  • No confusing pens and paper calculations crap.
  • No high cost to low win ratio
Smart Play Lotto Wheeling system has been shown to give regular or frequent accelerated winnings by real world users playing lotto games such as Mega Millions, Powerball, California Lottery, Georgia Lottery, Georgia Mega Millions, Florida Lotto, Florida Powerball, Florida Mega Millions, Texas Lotto, Texas Mega Millions, Canadian Lotto 649, Ohio Lottery, National Lottery, UK Lotto, etc The system is the best wheeling system you can get, it works great, and you definitely will increase your win rates!

There are other lottery systems that seem do ok at producing some small winning results here and there, but they cannot match the power of Smart Play Lotto Wheels at giving you consistent winners. Forget get about using lottery quick picks or some silly hyped-up system claiming to be developed by a math professor or a secret code, these kinds of systems are for suckers, if you are going to gamble and play the lotto, use a real legit system, you will get real legit results, it’s that simple!

There is talk that his superior wheeling system is going to cost more down the road, so you might want to grab it while it's still cheap.

Friday, 5 October 2012

How to Win The Lottery Ultimate Guide!

To win lottery games such as Powerball, Mega Millions, Lotto 649, Euromillions or any lotto game you need much more than just luck to win Big. You must use lottery strategies or best lottery systems if your master plan to win the lottery is going to work.

I knew a person who played Florida Lotto for 5 years and never hit more than a 3 lotto numbers winner, now that is very poor winning lottery results. He thought if he played 3 lottery tickets per draw, he would win a money prize and he did, but it took years to hit that 3 lotto numbers winning ticket, big deal! This way of playing the lottery will get you nowhere very fast. If you never win then your strategy is useless and you must find a better one right!

Hitting lotto winning numbers is not hard to do is you know how to do it, this applies for all lottery games. Eventually the person who could not win the Florida Lottery, asked me if I could give him a strategy to increase his chances for winning the lotto. Now I want to point out that there are some very good lottery tips that are useful, but the best strategy is to use a lottery system and it must be a real verified winning system or do not waste your time with it.

I told the Florida Lotto player about not only a lottery system that win lotteries world-wide, but 2 lottery systems that win big and the best ultimate lottery strategies is to use both systems together, they will explode your winning potential through the roof! The systems are Lotto Guy Lottery System and Smart Play Lotto Wheels. These systems when used together have hit 5 lottery numbers very frequently and have won many lottery jackpots. Separately both system work great, used together they are very powerful!

To apply these lottery systems is very easy. Start with the lotto guy system to obtain your lottery numbers you are going to play. You will play those lines of lottery numbers along with putting those same lottery number into one of the lottery wheels you choose to use in the Smart Play Wheeling system. Your odds to win are now increase dramatically and you will get multiple winnings, not just one. The person who plays the Florida Lotto used this ultimate guide and won with-in 6 months over $12,000 by hitting 2 lines of 5 lottery numbers winning just over $6,000 each time. He could not believe he had really won and it was all because he used a proven lottery strategy instead of his usual random numbers.

You cannot win the lottery if you do not get a lottery ticket and you will not ever win lotto if you do not use a real strategy or system and apply it properly. This is your win the lottery ultimate guide, try it and you will have lotto winnings success!

Still need more proof? Take a look a the poll results for best winning lottery systems, then you will see for yourself which systems actually are winners.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Lottery How To Win 5 Lottery Numbers

Bought your weekly lottery Tickets hoping for at least a 3 lotto numbers winner, but as usual hit only 2 lotto numbers or no lotto numbers. This scenario is all to common and is a clear sign you need to learn more about lotto and the proven lotto strategies on how you can win the lottery.

To win the lottery means you must hit at least 3 lotto numbers that were drawn. This will only win you a very small cash prize and will never make you rich. You must routinely hit 4 lottery numbers and 5 lottery numbers frequently to get wealthy. We have checked out to see which strategy or lotto system is winning lottery games around the world as Georgia Lottery, PA Lottery, Texas Lottery, Florida Lottery, VA Lottery, California Lottery, German Lottery, Australian Lottery, Atlantic Lottery, and many others. There seems to be one major lottery system that is recommended and is winning these lottery games world-wide, it's called the Lotto Guy Lottery System and is a tested and proven top rated system, the best there is.

This excellent 3 step lotto system is not a common usual lottery software system, yes, it was developed from award winning software, but put into the form of a very unique 3 step system that works like magic to hit lottery winning numbers. Hitting a 5 lottery numbers winning lotto ticket is very common with this system, try that with any other lottery system and you will fail over and over and that's a proven fact!

The chances of winning the lotto with silly lottery systems as the Lotto Black Book, Lottery Circle Software, Formula 1 Lotto System, Silver Lotto system, Beat The Lotto system, Win Lotto Systems software, Lotto Cash Machine and many others is highly unlikely! All of these systems have been tested and proven to fail at winning anything.

To re-cap how to win 5 lottery numbers, use a top quality lottery system as the Lotto Guy Lottery System, then go get your lotto tickets, check your lottery results for your lotto game to see if you are a lottery winner, go to lottery retailers collect your winning lottery cash prize, it's really that easy.

You can find reviews on all lottery system Here, see top winning systems and systems that do not work.